Welcome to Resilience Matters,
Ireland’s leading specialists in personal and organisational stress.

So what is it that we do differently?

resilience matters model

We are all being asked to do more with fewer resources, and that can increase both our personal stress levels and those of our colleagues. Our simple, proven, and effective model can quickly help your organisation to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism, and create an environment where fewer employees need time off work because of stress.

In a nutshell, think of your organisation and your employee’s as two sides of a weighing scales. We look at the normal sources of stress within your organisation, issues like relationships, demands, control, support, and how change is managed, and help you to create an action plan to address these. This is a surprisingly simple process.

One the other side are individuals who are all reacting differently to the same environment.  People who are managing poorly, and those to whom it’s like water off a duck’s back.  We want everyone to be like the duck. We work with your staff to help them understand stress, their reaction to it, and teach them to control their own stress response. This happens in a one day training event called “The Resilient Mind @ Work”

Our system is modular so you can other training interventions to your program if required.

Our model has been making a big difference to the lives of our clients’ workforces. In 2015 we were honoured with the Best Consultancy Partnership prize for our work with Genzyme Sanofi, at the Irish Institute of Training and Development National Training Awards.

In 12 months we achieved a 30% reduction in absenteeism and an 18% reduction in visits to occupational health. These are amazing results for a soft skills intervention. Our Resilience program also resulted in Genzyme Sanofi winning the National Pharma award in Health and Safety for “Pioneering resilience” in Ireland.

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management - Increased Clarity and Focus

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management - Lower Absenteeism

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management - Higher  productivity

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management - Increased Energy

Benefits of a Workplace Stress Management - Happier at home and at work

What Our Clients Are Saying

Our Clients

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About Resilience Matters

Richard is a personal performance specialist and Ireland’s leading specialist in personal and work related stress.

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